Across the state, clerks carry out the vital work of ensuring our elections run smoothly, safely, and securely. They are devoted public servants who work in our counties, townships, and cities, making sure you can vote and that our democracy thrives.  This election year, our hope is to introduce you to some of these hardworking members of our community with brief conversations about what they do and why they are committed to this important work. We kick off this new series, Local Election Leaders, with Livonia City Clerk Lori Miller. 

Why did you want to become a clerk? 
Clerk Lori Miller: Because of my passion for voters’ rights, belief in our democracy and its processes, and my love for the Livonia community. 
When I started in the Clerk’s Office back in 2007, I learned the importance of our office as being the point person for citizens with local government. The Clerk plays an integral part in our community and serves as the liaison between the Executive and Administrative branches and serves residents in various capacities. I became increasingly interested in the election processes and decided to become an accredited Elections Official and then ran for the elected Office of City Clerk.

Franklin helping Lori Miller

What is the best part of your job?
Clerk Lori Miller:
Voter education allows me to go out into the community to meet residents at events and activities and engage with them at their level. This creates a dialogue between local government and the residents. Voters have questions and may not know where to get the correct information. By providing basic information and answering questions, our democracy and the entire community will benefit. I would say the second-best part of my job is administering Oaths of Office and welcoming in new Board and Commission members and new members of our Public Safety divisions.

What is the most challenging part of your job? 
Clerk Lori Miller: Combatting mis- and disinformation and rebuilding the community’s trust in local government.

What do you want voters to know? 
Clerk Lori Miller: I am available to answer any questions they may have. My office and I take our roles in local government very seriously. I will be spending a great deal of time this year and in the future to be out in the community to promote our office, educate voters, recruit much needed election poll workers, and conduct as many voter registrations as possible. I hope to form partnerships with local businesses and civic organizations to assist me in my endeavors and will promote clear and transparent communication.

Click here to learn more about Clerk Lori Miller

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