This op-ed originally appeared in Bridge Michigan 08/07/23
In the fall of 2021, we discovered at a routine ultrasound appointment during my  second trimester that our baby had an abnormality called a cystic hygroma, a condition we learned was rarely survivable. It was the second piece of devastating news. A few weeks prior we’d learned that I was pregnant with twins, but the heartbeat of one had already stopped.

I knew there would be many hard moments ahead. What I didn’t anticipate is how much stress we’d have to endure over the cost of my care because of Michigan’s punitive laws regarding abortion and coverage by private insurers.  

At one point, our high-risk obstetrician urged us to hurry our decision-making process because the cost of abortion rises as pregnancy goes on. We were making one of the most personal, consequential, and painful decisions of our lives and simultaneously stressing over the many thousands of dollars the necessary health care might saddle us with. Over the next couple weeks, after many really difficult conversations with our doctors, genetic counselors and each other, we finally decided to seek an abortion via labor induction to end the pregnancy.  

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Watch Video: Clare Molnar - My Abortion Story

I Don't Regret My Abortion: Clare Molnar's fight to end the stigma surrounding abortion

Clare Molnar is on a mission. She is intent on dismantling what she calls a “culture of shame and secrecy” that surrounds abortion. And she’s doing it one conversation at a time. Clare speaks firsthand about the devastating impact of restrictive abortion laws and the hidden barriers that hinder access to reproductive healthcare. She sheds light on the damaging effects of mandatory waiting periods, biased information, and parental consent requirements, perpetuating a false narrative stigmatizing a standard medical procedure. In this thought-provoking video, Clare shares how her personal journey with abortion has taught her resilience, self-discovery, and the power of advocacy. Together, let's shift the conversation around abortion and reproductive healthcare and foster a more compassionate and inclusive society.

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