Head shot of Shelli Weisberg


Political Director



The best time to call or email Shelli Weisberg at the office is when she is on vacation. Here is part of the automated message she wrote before heading out for her ninth annual hike in the Appalachian Mountains: "It's back to the Appalachian Trail for a particularly timely respite with my son, my sister, and my nephew... Given this tenuous political atmosphere, it's a bit unsettling to think about what could happen in the span of a week. And so I share with you this quote, my mantra for the hike: "Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in an office or mowing the lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain". — Jack Kerouac"

Shelli hiked 70 miles that trip — and the year before. She is tough, funny, and sharp. All of which serves her well as the ACLU of Michigan Political Director, who prides herself on her strategic skills and "bringing people to work across the aisle."

Shelli began her political career working on school board races while a stay-at-home mom who was bored with housework. "There is only so much cleaning you can do," she said. That led to her serving as a trustee on the Birmingham Board of Education for 10 years, and landing at ACLU where she began in 2003 as a lobbyist.

Although she is very comfortable with shakers and movers in Lansing, her favorite places to be are in the woods and her kitchen. And that is lucky for us, for Shelli is a master baker. (And we are not talking Toll House. Think Dulce de Leche sandwich cookies perfected.) If it is your birthday, she’ll make your favorite. Through her political prowess — and pastry — Shelli knows how to bring people together.