2022 Impact Report
December 20, 2022The Border's Long Shadow
The groundbreaking report, The Border’s Long Shadow: How Border Patrol Uses Racial Profiling and Local and State Police to Instill Fear in Michigan’s Immigrant Communities, exposes how Border Patrol, an agency within U.S.
March 25, 2021 Immigrants' RightsImmigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions in Michigan: Report and Video Training
The ACLU of Michigan, together with the American Immigration Lawyers Association-Michigan Chapter, the State Bar of Michigan's Immigration Law Section, and cooperating attorneys, release this 2020 report: Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions in Michigan.
March 3, 2020 Criminal Legal Reform Immigrants' Rights
What Schools Need to Know: LGBT Students and the Law
To ensure that all students, regardless of sexual orientation, receive a quality education within a safe learning environment we've constructed this 28-page question and answer publication.
July 29, 2019 Student Rights The Nancy Katz & Margo Dichtelmiller LGBTQ+ ProjectThe Walter Barry Case (Video)