Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender Project of the ACLU of Michigan
Everyone in our state deserves full civil rights and equality, regardless of their sexual preference or gender identity. That's why way back in 1966, the ACLU of Michigan developing a groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind committee to address issues facing lesbians and gay men.
In 2001, the ACLU of Michigan founded the LGBT Project, a dedicated longterm legal and advocacy project focused on advancing equality in our state.
The ACLU of Michigan is the only organization defending the rights of Michigan's LGBT residents in the courts.
In addition to full time legal work, we advance pro-LGBT legislation with a full time staff lobbyist in Lansing.
ACLU of Michigan LGBT Project Values
Love is Equal
Legal and public education efforts to secure marriage for same-sex couples and win legal recognition for LGBT relationships.
Safe and Respectful Schools
Defends free expression in public schools, demands that learning environments do not encourage bullying and violence, and helps educators create an atmosphere respectful of students’ sexual orientation and gender identity.
Freedom to Parent
Defending the rights of LGBT parents, not only in custody and visitation arrangements but also by challenging discriminatory laws that restrict the rights of LGBT people to parent.
Transgender Rights
Advocates to include gender identity in nondiscrimination laws, raises awareness of the types of harms that transgender people face, and brings impact lawsuits to change biased laws against transgender people in employment, schools, and public accommodations.
Fighting Discrimination
We fight LGBT discrimination on several fronts—from challenging “sodomy” laws to advocating for civil rights that protect LGBT people.
Key News and Documents
► News | Updates on recent LGBT Project cases
► Learn More | The ACLU of Michigan LGBT Project History
► Get Help | File a complaint if your rights have been violated
► At The ACLU | ACLU of Michigan Legal Department
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