TAKE ACTION: VOLUNTEER WITH the aclu of michigan
I am a white, cisgender, straight, economically-secure woman, and a U.S. citizen. I am loaded with privilege to spend. For those of us with privilege to spend, now is the time (long past, actually).
Last night, we endured a nearly 80-minute-long speech to the nation that was laden with fearmongering and disinformation in the form of racism, xenophobia, transphobia, and homophobia. It was hateful and dehumanizing to so many people in our richly diverse state and nation.
As a parent, I reflected on how a President is behaving in a way that I have taught my children is wrong. Behavior that I’ve helped them address directly on the occasion they’ve seen it inflicted on others or experienced it themselves. Had my daughters watched that speech, they would have spotted it for what it was: a bully who’s been given an enormous platform to target vulnerable people.
In the last several years, manufactured culture wars have festered, opening the door to people being targeted on the basis of their gender, race and ideology. We’ve seen a surge in anti-immigrant, anti-Arab, Islamophobic and antisemitic rhetoric and activity. We are facing a level of hate that is stunning, yet unsurprising.
We can and must do better for and with each other.
The time of “meeting in the middle” has long passed. There is no middle ground when it comes to the dehumanization of entire communities. Agreeing to harm and oppress people because of their race, ethnicity, gender or immigration status is abhorrent and unacceptable.
When my daughters come to me with something they feel isn’t right, my answer is never, “ignore it” or “wring your hands.” I ask, “What do you think the right thing to do is?”
So, Michigan, I ask you, “What is the right thing to do?”
Protesting is important, but it is not enough. It’s time to do the hard work – work that takes time, persistence, love, and vision for the multicultural democracy that we want our state and nation to be.
Here are a few things you can do to start:
Show up at your local government meetings. Attend your school board, library board, and city council meetings so you are prepared to engage in what’s happening in your community. Where you see the echoes of this presidential administration’s hateful rhetoric or anti-diversity actions cloaked in so-called equality, offer public comment in opposition. Consider running for local office or support a candidate who reflects your values.
Call your state and federal legislators, a lot. Your state and local officials are elected by you and need to hear from you about how you want them to address harmful bills. Don’t just call the legislators for whom you voted – you are the constituent of all of the legislators in your district. Insist that they hear your voice.
Tell your state and local officials how you want them to use their political power. The silence from many of our political leaders across the partisan spectrum on the Trump administration’s appalling actions has been eerie, and deeply disappointing. Tell them that ALL our rights are inextricably linked to the rights and freedoms of each other and that you need them to speak out on behalf of people most vulnerable to attack in our state.
Follow and volunteer with organizations that are fighting back or supporting communities under attack. Many organizations are tracking state and federal bills and policies and can help you carry out the above action steps. Here are some ideas: ACLU of Michigan, Equality Michigan, ACCESS, and MI PODER.
In reaching out to your elected officials, it’s important to remember that you are not asking for much. You are simply calling on them as federal, state and local officials to abide by the rule of law and uphold our Constitution. However, this is a moment where it is our obligation to exercise our power and breathe meaning into the phrase, “We the People of the United States…”. Our rights are collective – they are bound to each other. If we acquiesce to attacks on the rights of one group of people, they will move on to devour the rights of the next group.
So, Michigan, what are we going to do?