Spring has finally come to Michigan.

Before we go bask in the warmth, let's take a look at the women of Wal-Mart, hear news from the medical marijuana front and learn how to tell if schools are blocking LGBT educational websites.

After that, let's party with the Detroit Metro Branch at their April Mixer this Wednesday. RSVP today!

Michigan News

Don't Filter Me!
This week we told Rochester schools to quit censoring lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender educational sites from students (via MLive.com).

“Many of these websites provide much needed support and resources for LGBT youth during a critical time in their lives. By blocking LGBT websites, schools are sending a terrible message to students that LGBT voices are to be ignored and silenced.” said Jay Kaplan, our LGBT Project staff attorney.

Want to know more, or think your school might be blocking content? Check out the video below.

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Defending Patients Rights
Michigan voted to allow seriously ill patients compassionate care. The hard part is making sure everyone respects the law.

We're asking the state Supreme Court to hear the case of Larry King, a law-abiding medical marijuana patient who followed all the rules.

Now he's facing criminal charges since the county prosecutor doesn't agree with him on what "enclosed" means (via the Flint Journal).

National News

The Women of Wal-Mart
This week the Supreme Court heard arguments against Wal-Mart from attorneys for the hundreds of thousands of female Wal-Mart employees who have joined in the largest class-action lawsuit in history.

The women are charging the company with engaging in a pattern and practice of pay and promotion discrimination.

We hope that the court will allow the suit to proceed, as does everyone who believes that people should have been discrimination has no place in the workplace.

This report from the rally outside the court is inspiring (from Blog of Rights).


This April 6, you can choose from no less than three events for civil liberties fans.

  • The LGBT Summit for Older Adults in Ferndale will cover discrimination and remedies for LGBT senior citizens. RSVP here.

  • The ACLU of Michigan Metro Detroit Branch is holding a Civil Liberties Mixer at Los Galanes in Detroit.Join them for good conversation, drinks and door prizes.

  • Last but not least, we still have a few seats left on our free bus to the Rally for Choice in Washington DC. Contact us now and stand up for women's health.