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ACLU National:

September 12, 2024


DETROIT — The ACLU of Michigan, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU Voter Education Fund announced a major investment of more than $2 million in the Michigan Supreme Court race and select Michigan House of Representative races. The investment is part of the ACLU’s statewide effort to inform voters that their civil rights and liberties, including abortion, are on the ballot this November election. Through paid advertising, the nonpartisan groups are educating voters about the candidates in these races.

The bulk of the spending comes from the ACLU Voter Education Fund, a new federal political action committee (PAC) dedicated to educating and mobilizing voters on these important issues. The ACLU and ACLU Voter Education Fund are nonpartisan and do not support or oppose candidates for office nor contribute to their campaigns.

The ACLU Voter Education Fund is investing $2 million in the Michigan Supreme Court race. The court has the highest legal authority in the state. Their decisions shape civil rights and liberties, including reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, disability rights, privacy rights, and more. This is the first time the ACLU Voter Education Fund has invested in a Michigan Supreme Court race.

The national ACLU is investing $300,000 in three state House races, including Districts 27, 55, and 103, which cover southeast Michigan and northern Michigan and are highly contested.

The ACLU will reach voters through paid digital ads, traditional and streaming radio programming, print mailers, texts, and digital streaming ads.

"Michigan voters made it abundantly clear that protecting reproductive rights, including abortion, is a priority," said Merissa Kovach, ACLU of Michigan political director. "Our aim is to ensure the gains we have made in Michigan stay won. It is imperative that voters are aware of each candidate’s record on reproductive freedom, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, and other civil rights and liberties before casting their votes. The Michigan Supreme Court is key to protecting our rights for years to come, so every eligible voter must fill out their full ballot, including the nonpartisan section. For example, we have found and will share with voters that candidates for the Michigan Supreme Court Kyra Harris Bolden and Kimberly Ann Thomas are endorsed by Planned Parenthood Advocates as quote ‘champions of abortion rights.’ Groups that strongly oppose abortion rights have endorsed Andrew Fink and Patrick O’Grady."

"We have witnessed a growing hostility toward our rights at the federal level as evidenced by the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade," said Bonsitu Kitaba, ACLU of Michigan deputy legal director. "Whether through the courts, Congress, or beyond, we cannot let these attacks on our rights go unanswered. It has become even more critical that we do everything we can to strengthen and protect our rights at the state level. We are approaching a pivotal election where every vote cast must send a clear message that we prioritize the rights of all Michiganders."

Read about why the Michigan Supreme Court race matters.


Watch a recording of our press conference.