The state Supreme Court yesterday decided to put on hold the trial of Nheru Littleton, a Detroit man who was arrested last year and charged with making "terroristic threats" after posting an angry comment about police on his Facebook page.
Dan Korobkin, Deputy Legal Director for the ACLU of Michigan, issued the following statement about the court's decision:
We commend the Michigan Supreme Court’s decision to put Mr. Littleton’s trial on hold while it gives further consideration to the danger his prosecution poses to the freedom of speech. Mr. Littleton should never have been arrested, and should not now be charged with a felony, for posting “All lives can’t matter until Black Lives matter!!! Kill all white cops!!!” on his Facebook page. His comments are offensive, shocking, and wrong—but they are protected by the Constitution. In fact, it is precisely this type of speech—offensive and unpopular remarks that challenge the legitimacy of state authority and stir the establishment to anger—that must be given the highest level of First Amendment protection.
Read the ACLU's amicus brief supporting Nheru Littleton