ACLU Applauds Michigan Attorney General for Declaring It Unconstitutional to Require Surgery to Change the Gender on a Birth Certificate FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 30, 2021 The Nancy Katz & Margo Dichtelmiller LGBTQ+ Project
ACLU Urges Michigan Department of Civil Rights to Intervene after Brighton Students' Racist Social Media Posts FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 29, 2021 Racial Justice Student Rights
ACLU Sues Michigan State Police for Racial Profiling and Unlawful Search and Seizure During Traffic Stop For years MSP has ignored urgent pleas to hire expert to review trooper traffic stop practices and implement plan to end racist policing FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 23, 2021 Racial Justice
Michigan Senate Passed Anti-Voter Legislation to Make it Harder to Vote ACLU Statement on Senate Bills 285, 303, 304 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 16, 2021 Voting Rights
Civil Rights Coalition Announces Settlement in Class Action Lawsuit Regarding Oakland County Jail’s COVID-19 Conditions FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 20, 2021 Prisoners' Rights Criminal Justice
The Michigan Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and ACLU Call on Secretary Mayorkas to End ICE/CBP Collaboration Programs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 3, 2021 Immigrants' Rights Racial Justice