Busking Is a First Amendment Right
College students Chris Waechter and Gabe Novak were told by Saugatuck police officers and other city officials that they were prohibited from playing music, or “busking,” on public sidewalks.
March 27, 2015 Criminal Justice Free SpeechRacial Profiling by ICE
The ACLU represented two Latino residents of Grand Rapids, Telma and Luis Valdez, who were detained and assaulted by agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) even though Luis is a U.S. citizen and Thelma is a lawful permanent resident.
March 13, 2015For Naught: How Zero Tolerance Policy and School Police Practices Imperil Our Students' Future
This report from the ACLU of Michigan explores how draconian "zero tolerance" laws in schools--combined with an ever-increasing police presence in the classroom--are forcing far too many students into suspension, expulsion and even arrest.
February 4, 2015 Racial Justice Student RightsThis Week Online: Free Speech in Detroit & Other Stories 1/23-1/30
January 30, 2015 The Nancy Katz & Margo Dichtelmiller LGBTQ+ Project Racial Justice Privacy & Technology Free SpeechOur Civil Liberties Heroes of 2014
Every year, the ACLU of Michigan works on hundreds of legal cases and pieces of legislation that touch lives all over the state.
December 22, 2014 Free Speech Religious Liberty Racial Justice