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Birmingham Adopts New Free Speech Policy to Settle ACLU Lawsuit

DETROIT – The City of Birmingham has adopted a new free speech policy to settle a federal lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberates Union of Michigan on behalf of an animal rights activist who was arrested while peacefully demonstrating on a public sidewalk outside a fur store.

August 30, 2013 Free Speech

Fur Protester Arrested for Standing on Public Sidewalk

During the 2012 holiday season, Beth Delaney was standing outside a fur store and holding a sign that said “Fur Kills; Don’t Buy It.” Although Delaney was standing peacefully on a city sidewalk and was not interfering with anyone who chose to shop at the store, an employee of the store called the

August 29, 2013 Free Speech

Anti-Begging Law Struck Down

In difficult economic times, one would hope that the government would take measures to assist the poor and homeless. In Grand Rapids, however, the ACLU of Michigan discovered that police officers were arresting, prosecuting and jailing individuals for asking for financial assistance.

August 14, 2013 Criminal Justice Free Speech